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Metro Writers | VietSolutions - “National Digital Transformation” | VietSolutions - “National Digital Transformation”

Vietnam travel guides making rich content available for multiple digital platforms from e-books, audiobooks and apps to metaverse projects, scripted video presentations and digital magazines.

08/09/2022 - Metro Writers
Bài toán và giải pháp CĐS cho các dự án vì cộng đồng

Michael Arnold, New Zealand

20 years in writing and publishing industry, former travel book writer for Chinese government projects.
Viettel-Viet Nam - Another

Globally available travel information for Vietnam is decentralised, untargeted and often does not align with Vietnam’s tourism objectives. Now that travellers carry digital books and check information online to learn about Vietnam as they travel, we propose a broad-ranging content strategy to build modern narratives, building branded information that can be applied to multiple digital platforms.

Obtain funding from government and business sponsors to build book-length content in English to support the tourism development of all 63 provinces of Vietnam.

Global travellers visiting Vietnam - 11 million+ arrivals projected for 2023

This is a time-honoured solution that remains valid in the digital world, leveraging advances in printing and communications technology to distribute rich content in alignment with Vietnamese tourism growth objectives.

Our content provides a unified platform for the national tourism infrstructure that is currently overlooked -- a comprehensive messaging strategy designed to bolster tourist spending throughout the country and not only in main tourist sectors.

Current travel book series devote only one volume to Vietnam, and the majority guide visitors on how to spend less during their time in this country. There are currently no travel guide series available covering all provinces in the country -- this project will be the first.


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