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Phenikaa MaaS | VietSolutions - “National Digital Transformation” | Viet Solutions - Cuộc thi tìm kiếm giải pháp chuyển đổi số Quốc gia

Phenikaa MaaS is an IT mobility solutions provider to help enterprises operate transportation system effectively with proprietary core technologies: applications, IoT devices, AI & Big Data

14/09/2021 - Phenikaa MaaS
Bài toán và giải pháp CĐS tại các bộ, ngành

Nguyễn Lâm Ngọc Bích - VietnamLê Yên Thanh - Vietnam

Mr. Thanh: - Google- ACM-ICPC World Finalist- 7 years experienceMs.Bich:- Unilever-Harvard & MIT boot camper- 5 years experience
Viettel-Viet Nam - Trong các lĩnh vực Giao thông vận tải và logistics

Problem: It started with An estimation of 91% cameras and other devices in VietNam are running with unprocessed data. While raw data which has a lot of potential needs analytics techniques such as Machine Learning to extract the value insight. But the cost of applying deep learning models is substantially high due to the cost of large storage. So it may take Billions of dollars loss as not using data value. Solution: bHub - AIbox: Inject human knowledge into cameras

B2B sales. Product base for hardware, subscription for software

As you could see this market is gaining momentum, due to Meticulous research, the market is expected to to reach 500 Billions dollars from now to 2027.Also, the AI attach rate in Asia would increase upto 87% in 2030. This is why we want to spark this industry.

bHub brings advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities including deep learning to address multiple tiers of smart cameras. It means that our customer dont need to replace the current camera with a new AI camera Over a while, bHub’s vision business unit has invested in developing a wide range of AI/ML reusable frameworks and algorithms which can easily be customized as per the customer requirements and are capable of performing Object Detection, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Face ID

Traction: 10+ Partnership projects30 bHub sold, 1000+ bHub booking34+ Demo requests

Bình Anh, BKAV, VinAI

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